Wednesday, August 15, 2012

FB is losing its luster

I'm getting kind of bored with Facebook. The people that I usually follow are not posting that often anymore and I'm not receiving many replies or comments. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do now there's no real substitute for Facebook. I suppose I can start blogging again.

Posted via email from Dario Cruz's Posterous

Thursday, August 02, 2012

I Love Your List but Your Totally Wrong

The BFI just came out with this years list of the 50 greatest films of all time.  Are you people high?  Or is this some sort of affirmative action for the blind and mentally retarded?  First of all, "North by Northwest" is Hitchcock's best film and any list that only has "The Godfather" as only the 21st best film is beyond the Pale.  The Godfather is the 20th century's answer to a Greek Tragedy or a Shakepearian play, on celluloid.  And why isn't Raging Bull not on that list!    

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Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Posterous Truly Sucks

To Twitter,

You folks should ask for your money back from Posterous. It always had the worst UI/UX, but now, it doesn't even autoload anymore. This inconvenience really puts a damper on the joys of ranting and raving across multiple platforms ;-(

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