Thursday, February 24, 2005

Booggeyman (Film Review)

Its been awhile seen I've seen a scary movie, and after watching this one, I'll probably won't see another one for a long time. Boogeyman wasn't bad and it did fulfill its objective of making me jump in my seat. I also appreciated the fact that the film focused on one of the greatest fears people had in childhood- the monster in the closet and/or under the bed.

Unfortunately, that's the only thing that this film did well. The characters weren't interesting and the director couldn't decide if it was a horror flick or a romance /horror combo. Frankly I never saw any chemistry between the main character and his girlfriend. Then throwing in another love interest in the middle of the movie only muddled the whole story.

The main problem with this film and most films today is: animation. Todays directors should go back to their video libraries and watch the Blair Witch Project or Silent of the Lambs to see how to terrify people while telling a great story.

I don't know if there's a shortage of great editors or there’s an allure to use special effects to cover up bad-to-medicore acting, directing, and/or writing. I understand that the audience today expects some sort of visual effect from a flick, but adding animation just makes it more obivious something is lacking.

Boogeyman is definitely one of those films you rent so that your date to snuggles up when you're watching it. Too bad, if they had removed the girlfriend and the monster, and just made the main character insane, it might have been a pretty good flick


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