Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The iPad paradox: Less is more

Topic: Technology

The iPad paradox: Less is more
 A new trend has emerged where gadget limitations are touted as features
By Mike Elgan

Even though I like the article, I don't totally agree with the writers premise that people are suffering information overload and its ugly cousin, runaway gadget complexity and products that voluntary limit itself is the new trend.  That's a little too generalized and I think most of us prefer options and will accept most of the hassles that comes with it.  When the glitches and tech support become too much of a frustration are what people have problems with.  An example of this is MS Excel.  Its a great product that can do very complex task but if you don't need them (most of us don't) it works just fine doing the basic graph, calculations, table functions.  That's what I think most people want: make the basics bulletproof and then give a caveat, "advance features could be be very frustrating and requires a steep learning curve.  Do you want to continue?"    That little warning should satisfy most of us.



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