Ramblings of an Idiot
This blog is regarding film, cars, politics, technology, and other stuff.
Thursday, July 05, 2012
Maybe the Heat Should've Lost?
Just saw Micky Arison (owner of the Miami Heat) admit he still lost money, even though his team won the championship. You are one lousy businessman, Arison.
Born the illegitimate son of Imelda Marcos and Johnny Carson; attended the School of Hard Knocks... and flunked out; has worked in marketing, sales, advertising, business development (yes, I'm a professional huckster); strives to reach self-actualization or win the big jackpot on the lottery; able to converse on multiple topics (especially at Hooters); and has been kicked out of the finest establishments throughout the US & Canada.
"You are now about to reach maxmimum velocity" OR "Smarter then the average bear" Actually, I ripped that one off of Yogi Bear. Sorry Yogi
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