Friday, June 03, 2005

Lords of Dogtown

All this movie gave me was flashbacks of the seventies. The fashion, the cars, the music of the seventies… boy did they really suck!

Stacy, dude, you should stick with the documentaries. You’re really groovy with those.

If you haven’t seen Riding Giants or Dogtown and Z-Boys yet, go and rent them. Unlike this flick, they’re really bitchin.

To be fair, it was an accurate portrayal of kids of that era. Stacy Peralta captured their rebelliousness (i.e. obnoxiousness) their free spirits (i.e. immaturity and promiscuous sex), and their love of the LA surfing/skating scene. Considering the amount of time kids today play video games and surf the net (i.e. e-masturbating), who can say we’re any better.

Stacy captured the essence of that time and what it was like to be a teenager. The problem is that it’s not supposed to be a documentary. I never felt a bond to the characters, it was hard to figure out who the real protagonist was, and what the director trying to say with this. It was basically a re-enactment of Stacy Peralta’s life in 1976. Unfortunately, that is not the same as a movie.


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