Monday, September 06, 2010

Five of the Best Tablets Revealed So Far

Topic: Technology

I was reading this article in Gizmodo and thinking- is it really that hard to build a better iPad? It doesn't seem like rocket science to me.  All that is really needed is Android tablet/slate that has: USB, Flash, 1 or 2 cameras, a screen that's 10" or larger, and that's less expensive or equal to the price of an iPad.  

 They could build one on based on Web or RIM's OS or Symbian, but these operating systems don't have enough apps and probably never will.  It's understandable these companies are hesitant about using Android since they have invested heavily in their own OS, but IT'S ABOUT THE APPS!  No one really cares what operating system they're using, they just want apps! The reality is software developers aren't going to build apps on those platforms period.  Swallow your pride and build the darn thing or Apple will permantely dominate that market.



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