Motorola Atrix
Do not limit your mind to the possibilities of this device. Many of you are thinking in a “habitual” manner. By this I mean, you ask yourself, ” How does this device better my current practices? “. Many of you must have an employer that provides you with a computer to work on. When you leave work, you leave it all behind. And when you reach your house you can use all the tech toys to do what you want. This is where you are limiting yourself. Think of this device as a micro-computer. Here are a couple of uses for this device:
1. Use it as a media server EVERYWHERE you go. With it being DLNA enabled you can play your music, video, movies,pictures in anyone’s house that has a DLNA enabled device (i.e. computers, blu-rays players, media players). So if you go to a buddy’s home you can play your music through his /her kick ass system directly streaming from your phone. How about grandma? You can show her all those pics of your kids or dumb stunts on the TV screen. Again streaming directly from your phone. NO WIRES NEEDED!
2. If your employer allows you to do work on your personal laptop then you can easily plug this device at your home docking station or at the office docking station. Why is this good? Well you will ALWAYS HAVE YOUR WORK WITH YOU. It is like taking your office with you. You have access to your work documents all the time! Even while commuting. You can talk on it and send the files at the same time. How many times have people forgotten files at the office or at home? Forget remote connecting back to your home or office to try and retrieve files. You will ALWAYS have them with you.
3. Use it as a phone! What a concept!
4. Carrying your phone is easy. Way lighter and smaller than a laptop.
5. Play simple graphic games, anywhere.
6. Have your reference material always with you.
7. Presentations on the fly! -cords needed

Labels: atrix, motorola atrix, smartphone
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