Dario's Blog
Ramblings of an Idiot
This blog is regarding film, cars, politics, technology, and other stuff.
Monday, October 11, 2004
Left Handed Shotguns
Ithaca Model 37

Topic: Weapons
For those of you looking for a pump action shotgun, check out the Ithaca Model 37 or the Browning BPS Micro. They're not the cheapest shotguns, but since the shells eject from the bottom, you won't have a hot shell hitting you in the face. For autoloaders or left handed pumps, I recommend the Remington 11-87 Model or the Remington 870 Express. If you know any other shotguns for left handed people, feel free to email me.
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
Vice Presidential Debate
Topic: Politics
I like that shyster! Edward's blew Cheney away. Half way through the debate, Cheney looked like he gave up. Edward's had an answer for every accusation the Cheney/Bush team. I especially like the way he way he countered Cheney's claim of casualty figures by stating COALITION FORCES like Cheney was senile or stupid. Also, when the moderator ask about jobs and Cheney tried to switch the topic to education. When Edwards ask the moderator, "we're talking about jobs right, he (Cheney) kept talking about education." I will admit that Cheney won on the question of experience. I still can't understand how anyone can still be undecided on whom to vote for.
Labels: VP Debates
The Motorcycle Diaries (Film Review)

I highly recommend The Motorcycle Diaries. Just don't expect to see the guy on the poster. This is pre-revolutionary Guevara. This is about how Guevara transforms from a college kid on a road trip to someone achieving political consciousness. I especially like the subtlely of the director. When Che and his friend meets a couple that mention they are communist, I was expecting a long diatribe about injustice and how the revolution would change everything. Instead, you just see a bunch of people sitting by the fire talking. Or in another scene when he's reading the letter from his girlfriend. Since we can tell from his body language that it's a "Dear John" (or in this case a Dear Juan) letter, time isn't wasted by explaining what's in the letter. Even though it wasn't subtle, I even liked the scene when he swims across the river (i.e. crossing the Rubicon) and gives up his relatively privilaged life to join the poor on the other side of the river. I was expecting Che to say something hokey like "I'm one of you now", but the director and writer were too good to do that. Yet at the same time, the speech at the party gives you a glimpse of why people would follow him into the mountains to fight for a cause. This movie should win an Oscar for "Best Foreign Film"
Sunday, October 03, 2004
Shaun of the Dead (Film Review)
With a cast of unknowns and a small budget, Shaun of the Dead has shown Hollywood how to make a funny movie. This movie has it all, you have the romance aspect that will attract the females and just enough violence to attract males, while both are laughing hilariously. It becomes a cliche near the end but is still better than those not-funny moronic "Scary Movie" films. Go see it and have a laugh.
Air America Now in the Bay Area!
Topic: Politics
Yipee!!! You can now listen to Air America on 960 AM or catch them on the web at: Air America . Also, they now have archives of previous shows listed at the bottom of the main page.
I guess there still some liberal in me. Actually I just like to listen to Randi Rhodes in the afternoon. She's informative and funny. She's also a spunky little broad.