Friday, March 29, 2013

Skyfall - film review

I just saw Skyfall and wanted to know… how do I get that Red Box machine to give me my money back? I’m being superfluous, but not by much. Half of it was your standard action flick and the other half was like watching Masterpiece Theatre. I want Quentin Tarantino to write & direct the next one and to use his suggestion to have it set in the sixties again.

And I want more babes in the next one too!


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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tyrion and The Daily Show

I was watching "The Daily Show" the other night and they had Peter Dinklage as a guest.  Peter Dinklage said "Game of Thrones is filmed in the mountains of Jersey."  I have to admit that he's a pretty funny guy, as well as a great actor.

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Friday, March 08, 2013

After 40 years and no hello

Marina Abramovic and Ulay started an intense love story in the 70s. When they felt the relationship was ending, they walked the Great Wall of China, each from one end, meeting for one last big hug in the middle and never seeing each other again.

At her 2010 MoMa show Marina shared a minute of silence with each stranger who sat in front of her. Ulay arrived without her knowing and this is what happened.

(What impresses me the most is her determination not to say anything -Dario)

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Thursday, March 07, 2013

2015 Ford Mustang

I just saw this rendering the other day of the 2015 Mustang in Car & Driver.  I've read from Jalopnik that 2 guys, that were in a Ford consumer clinic and actually saw the concept car, said that the car they saw didn't resemble this rendering.  That's too bad cause that is one sweet looking ride.  I agree with those that it strays too greatly from the look of the original Mustang of the sixties, but since Camaro has outsold the Mustang for the last 3 years, a new direction is probably needed.  Whatever you do, Ford, please make the new model a full independent suspense.  A live rear axle has been outdated for the last 20 years.   

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Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Harlem Shake Scares Islamist

I just saw this video a few days ago about how that ridiculous "Harlem Shake" dance/video craze is scaring the authorities in Tunisia and Egypt.  I'm not a big fan of this craze and I'm happy that it's quickly dying out, but if the Muslim Brotherhood are afraid of it, then who am I to be against it.

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Saturday, March 02, 2013

Killing Them Softly (Film Review)

Killing Them Softly
Killing Them Softly is an anachronism.  It does what no other recent films do today: it takes its time to tell a story and develop the characters.  You won’t get a narration explaining everything, or see countless CGI scenes to keep you interested for more than 30 seconds, or even much of a soundtrack from this gritty crime drama.  If instant gratification is your thing, then this film isn’t for you.  But if you’re willing to be patient and pay attention to the story, I recommended you watch this film. It took guts to be involved with this movie, and it was a financial failure, so you won’t see anything this risky again for a while.  

Favorite Line:
Coogan (Pitt): I guess these guys just wanna go to jail.  They probably feel at home there.

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Friday, March 01, 2013

Reverse Showrooming

I needed to buy a new printer recently, so I searched the web and eventually went to Fry's Electronics to purchase one. I must be dyslexic; I did a reverse "showrooming."

To the brick & mortars: you're welcome ;-)
