Slumdog Millionaire

On the surface it’s Oliver Twist and Great Expectations revolving around the TV show “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” (fortunately without Regis Philbin). No one can understand how Jamal Malik (a kid from the slums) could possibly know the answers to rather difficult questions of the show. After all he’s no Good Will Hunting, or Rain Man, or even Forrest Gump. So how does he do it? It’s simple, he goes into total recall mode and the answers drop into his lap.
Unlike the rest of us, Jamal completely knows the meaning of his life. Jamal must suffer through life so he can answer the questions, and without the questions, he can’t get the girl, and if he doesn’t get the girl, he can’t find happiness. Jamal gets the money but we, the viewer, receive the answer to the age-old question of why bad things happen to good people.
I do have to warn you that this film doesn’t hold anything back on how rough life can be, and it will make you flinch at some of the scenes. But with that said, go watch this, it should win best foreign film.
Favorite Line:
Policeman: How does he know how to answer the questions?
Jamal Because I know what the answers are.
Labels: film review