Thursday, July 26, 2012

Stake Land (Film Review)

I recommend a film called, “Stake Land.”  If you liked the dystopia flicks like Phantasm or The Walking Dead, you’ll enjoy this also.  The film offers really good performances by unknown actors and keeps the CGI to a minimum.  Something you don’t see in vampire flicks lately.

Favorite Line:
Martin: You’re very good at that (using crossbow to shoot vampires).
Peggy: I get a lot of practice


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Please, I'm begging you, no more quotes!

To All Social Networks
Do you want your network to surpass Facebook?  Then I propose you ban all inspirational quotes and pics of cats.  I'm sure they inspire and make plenty of people happy, but I'm sure as heck ain't one of them.
Just don't ban naked pictures of women... they're acceptable forms of inspiration.


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Baroque is Great


I played some Vivaldi again today and it really does help with concentration. The effect will probably dissipate over time but I'm riding this as long as I can.

Posted via email from Dario Cruz's Posterous

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Baroque Rocks!

Last night I was listening to baroque music while I was working and realized that it really does help with concentration.

Posted via email from Dario Cruz's Posterous

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Hi Donna :-)


It still hard for me to believe Donna Summer is gone. I hope you're enjoying that big disco in the sky. RIP

Posted via email from Dario Cruz's Posterous

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I Found It and Now It's Gone


This was never my favorite show and there were as many characters I disliked as I liked, but it still was better and different than most shows in this genre. Goodbye Eureka.

Posted via email from Dario Cruz's Posterous

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Thursday, July 05, 2012

Maybe the Heat Should've Lost?

Just saw Micky Arison (owner of the Miami Heat) admit he still lost money, even though his team won the championship. You are one lousy businessman, Arison.

Posted via email from Dario Cruz's Posterous

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

The New Reqvu App is Here

Finally, the new version of the Reqvu app is available on iTunes. If you're not familiar with it, it's a easy-to-use, 3 step, private, Facebook-centric video upload app.

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