Star Wars: Episode III- Revenge of the Sith
To misquote Dickens, “It was the best of movies, it was the worst of movies.” That in a nutshell is a fair description of the latest Star Wars. At times it was like watching an epic and other times I felt like joining the dark side if it would only get me out of the theatre. Don’t get me wrong; it’s definitely worth seeing. I just wish it were as good as the original 1976 flick.
The acting and dialogue have definitely improved since the last two Star Wars. The seduction scenes with Vader and the neo-Emperor were very impressive. You could almost hear him say, “Drink the Kool-aid Darth, drink the Kool-aid.” There hasn’t been anything that engrossing since Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins did their duet scenes in Silence of the Lambs.
I also liked the interaction between teenage Darth and Princess Natalie Portman. They did their Romeo and Juliet star-crossed lovers act quite well. It was like watching Titanic, except this couple was interesting and could act.
This episode, like the last two, is overdone with too much cartoon looking special effects. And the robots & aliens were a little too cutesy for my taste. Hey George, what the heck is the deal with the coughing robot? Don’t they have cough syrup in a galaxy far far away?
I personally would’ve taken all that money spent on the animation, gone to Toys R Us, bought a bunch of models, and had a modeling club design all the special effects But maybe that’s just me. What can I say; I’m the Salman Rushde of Sci-Fi flicks. I will admit that it is the best of the last three of the never-ending Star Wars franchise.
It’s too bad George takes himself a little too seriously. If he went with a few dialogue and scene changes, this would of made a pretty good comedy. Oh well, we’ll just have to wait for the Mel Brooks version.
Until then, may the Schwartz be with you!
FYI: From now on, I am calling all films “movies” since it is more apt description. Especially since we’re mostly recording and watching in digital instead of celluloid now anyway. I’ve test marketed the term “digies” but have had negative feedback.